Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms, Causes & Natural Remedies

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is an umbrella term describing a set of symptoms that baffles patients and healthcare providers alike. IBS is the most common of all gastrointestinal problems, is far more prevalent among women, and generally occurs in those aged between 25 - 45. However as IBS is a set of symptoms rather than an explanation of what’s causing the problem, it tends to be difficult to treat. There is no single known cause and conventional treatments tend to focus singularly on symptom relief.

Ranging from quite mild to severe, symptoms often intefere with normal daily life for those with IBS, and everyday activities such as eating out at a restaurant can become a daunting prospect!

Functional medicine, as with other complex health problems, can help with IBS. It’s crucial with IBS to identify and work on the root cause(s) and at the same time use natural symptom relief to ensure any improvements aren’t just temporary, but long lasting.

So, don’t put up with unwanted symptoms of IBS, take action and improve your gut health for good!

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(Infographics) 4Rs to Improve Poor Gut Health

These 4 simple steps are an ideal place to start if you are regularly suffering from tummy troubles

(Product Section) Heading will go here…

Health Professional Resources

We have created a selection of resources specifically for practitioners and students including a vitamin D product
guide, a full technical paper on nutrients for immune health, live webinars in October
and more to be announced soon…

Wednesday 18th November 10.30am - 12 noon


With so many clients looking to support their immune system through the winter months it can be tricky to work out which product to recommend for them and for how long. In-house…

Immune Health


Wednesday 18th November 10.30am - 12 noon


Immune health is at the forefront of peoples minds as we head toward the winter months and this year there is

Immune Health


Wednesday 18th November 10.30am - 12 noon


The immune system is one of the most complex systems in the human body; an intelligent and dynamic network of cells, tissues and organs that work together to defend the human body...

Immune Health


Wednesday 18th November 10.30am - 12 noon


A guide for Health Professionals to learn more about each of the products in the Nutri Advanced vitamin C range and the benefits & recommended uses for each…

Immune Health



28th March 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Melina Shakiry

19th April 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Umar Miah

20th May 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Joe Bloggs

17th June 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Tom Riddle

26th July 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Steve Jobs

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IBS Literature & Articles

If you want to learn more about IBS, we’ve got plenty of information. Start with our Nutritionist’s guide to IBS where we cover IBS symptoms and causes, as well as a plan that can help you to find relief from IBS. We also have articles looking at vitamin D deficiency and the different types of fibre, and their links to IBS.


  • Information Guide - Eskimo-3 Fish Oil - The Facts
  • Map of global omega 3 levels - UK among the lowest
  • Omega 3 & Child Development
  • EPA & DHA - Why you need to supplement.
  • Why is the stability of fish oil so important?
  • Omega 3: Feed Better Behaviour
  • Large study links omega-3 with fewer depression symptoms



Practitioner/ Health Professional Articles

  • Clinical Guide - Eskimo-3 Range
  • Technical Review - Fish Oils and Fatty Acids
  • Technical Paper - The Health Effects Of Natural Stable Fish Oil
  • Technical Paper - Smart Fats For Kids
  • Omega 3: Feed Better Behaviour


Advanced nutrition, for life


The world of probiotics can be a confusing one, but we’re here to help!
Take a look at our probiotics information to see how probiotics could help you to achieve optimal digestive health.


Learn More About Probiotics Benefits, Comparisons & Supplements