Female Hormone Balance Symptoms and Solutions

There are various stages of the female health journey, from puberty to menopause and everything in between. Many different health problems can happen along the way too, like PMS, which may affect up to 80% of women, or conditions such as PCOS and Endometriosis; and each stage and/or health issue brings with it different nutrient requirements. For example, nutritional needs as puberty begins will be significantly different from those during the menopausal years. Common factors affecting female health at any stage include toxicity, stress and pressure, oestrogen metabolism, sub-optimal nutrient status and hormonal imbalance. Optimising health and nutrient status, and using targeted nutrients, women's health supplements or formulations may help to address specific needs at each stage of the female health journey.

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(Infographics) 4Rs to Improve Poor Gut Health

These 4 simple steps are an ideal place to start if you are regularly suffering from tummy troubles

(Product Section) Heading will go here…

Health Professional Resources

We have created a selection of resources specifically for practitioners and students including a clinical guide, PCOS and Endometriosis-specific protocols and a variety of other articles.

Health Professional Resources

We have created a selection of resources specifically for practitioners and students including a clinical guide, PCOS and Endometriosis-specific protocols and a variety of other articles.


Wednesday 2nd March, 10.30am - 12noon

Many women struggle to conceive, and the numbers appear to be on the rise. The dynamic changes of age on conception are exacerbating an already dropping fertility health in both men and women. In this webinar functional medicine practitioner Jo Gamble will investigate the common factors that impact a couple’s ability to conceive.

Topics covered in this webinar will include:
- Environmental considerations: Oestogens and Xenoestrogens
- The impact of stress and melatonin
- Mitochondrial energy
- Oxidative stress
- Inflammation and aging
- Low thyroid function
- Methylation factors (MTHFR)
- Microbiome and fertility
- Toxic exposure

Register Now



For healthcare advice to be effective it needs to be personalised and to embrace all that makes each of us unique, including those needs specific to our biological sex. Clearly, nutritional needs vary significantly between the male and female sexes, and it is crucial that these are taken into account as part of a truly personalised approach.

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A tool kit for Health Professionals to use with clients looking at symptom management, addressing underlying causes and on-going support for PCOS.

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A tool kit for Health Professionals to use with clients looking at symptom management, addressing underlying causes and on-going support for endometriosis.

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Seed-cycling has long been used as a natural, easy-to-implement way of supporting hormone balance. Learn more in our simple guide with a handy infographic that you can share with others or print out and pin to the fridge.

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It is now well known that one of the most prominent causes of breast cancer, as well as many other hormone related health problems in both men and women, is excessive estrogen exposure from both endogenous and exogenous sources...

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28th March 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Melina Shakiry

19th April 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Umar Miah

20th May 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Joe Bloggs

17th June 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Tom Riddle

26th July 2020

“I have used the Eskimo range for many years with my clients. Whatever health condition is presenting, I find the Eskimo range invaluable to support the client’s programme. Many people are still ordering this one product above all others, years after seeing me, as they feel so much benefit from taking this.”

Steve Jobs

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IBS Literature & Articles

If you want to learn more about IBS, we’ve got plenty of information. Start with our Nutritionist’s guide to IBS where we cover IBS symptoms and causes, as well as a plan that can help you to find relief from IBS. We also have articles looking at vitamin D deficiency and the different types of fibre, and their links to IBS.


  • Information Guide - Eskimo-3 Fish Oil - The Facts
  • Map of global omega 3 levels - UK among the lowest
  • Omega 3 & Child Development
  • EPA & DHA - Why you need to supplement.
  • Why is the stability of fish oil so important?
  • Omega 3: Feed Better Behaviour
  • Large study links omega-3 with fewer depression symptoms



Practitioner/ Health Professional Articles

  • Clinical Guide - Eskimo-3 Range
  • Technical Review - Fish Oils and Fatty Acids
  • Technical Paper - The Health Effects Of Natural Stable Fish Oil
  • Technical Paper - Smart Fats For Kids
  • Omega 3: Feed Better Behaviour


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