Digestive Health
The Best Probiotics For Women's Health: Preventing Recurrent UTIs And Thrush
Explore the benefits of probiotics for women's health, including improved digestion, boosted immunity, and enhanced vaginal health. -
Best Supplements For Travelling
Travelling can be a challenging time for your body. Read on to discover how to support your digestion, sleep and nervous system on your travels. -
The 5 Probiotic Strains You Need To Know
The only way to ensure the probiotic you buy is going to deliver significant health benefits is to check the product contains one of these extensively researched strains. -
A Complete Guide To Probiotics
If you're new to the world of probiotics then the terminology can be confusing. Use this handy glossary and guide to get to grips with the key words and terms. -
Everything You Need To Know About Baby Probiotics
Current research is starting to link gut bacteria to aspects of health including IBS, obesity and much more. It’s crucial therefore to nurture a healthy gut from birth. -
Best Supplements For Digestive Health
Find out more about out how you can support your gut health in our article - best supplements for digestive health. -
Best Supplements For Bloating And Digestion
If you are struggling with bloating and digestion issues, discover the best supplements for bloating and digestion here at Nutri Advanced. -
What Causes Wind, Constipation & Diarrhoea?
Uncomfortable problems such as constipation, wind and diarrhoea are something that we all experience from time to time, but what causes them? -
Which Gut Product Is Right For Me?
Choosing the right gut supplement to support your own symptoms can be hard. Here our Nutrition Team give you their top 3 product picks for supporting gut health. -
Benefits of Saccharomyces Boulardii for Diarrhoea, IBD, Leaky Gut & More
This research review looks into the studies behind S. Boulardii and the many benefits it’s been shown to have on a wide range of digestive health conditions. -
Can Sulforaphane Help To Reduce Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori)?
Find out more on the latest research on the potential uses of sulforaphane for reducing H. pylori, a common infection causing gastritis and stomach ulcers. -
Could Your Gut Microbiome Protect You Against Viral Infections, Including COVID-19?
As the nation begins to return to normal, you may want to consider supporting your gut health to help protect against viral infection. -
The Nutri Hour - The Secret To Achieving Gut Health In Children with Lucinda Miller
Childrens health expert, Lucinda Miller joins Nutritionist Sarah Sharpe to discuss top tips on keeping children healthy, starting with the gut. -
If You've Ever Taken Antibiotics You Need To Read This
Antibiotics can be a real lifesaver, but they can also bring unwanted side effects. Read on to find out how to support your body after taking antibiotics. -
Nurture Your Gut Health to Support Oestrogen Balance
Did you know the way the body handles oestrogens is partly determined by gut health? Take a closer look at the fascinating interplay between the two in this article. -
Recent Study Shows Link Between Gut Health and COVID-19 Severity
It's always a good idea to look after your gut health, and a new study published last month strengthens the case even more. -
Research Shows Saccharomyces Boulardii Can Prevent & Reduce Diarrhoea
The best-researched benefit of Saccharomyces boulardii is that it's a natural agent to prevent or reduce many types of diarrhoea. -
Dietary and Lifestyle Tips for Acid Reflux
Read on to find out our top diet and lifestyle tips to support clients who are struggling with acid reflux and/or taking PPIs and how this can help form part of their protocol. -
IBS Symptoms, Causes & Relief
A comprehensive guide to IBS symptoms, causes and relief. Use this simple guide to Irritable Bowel Syndrome to help restore normal gut function and IBS relief. -
The Benefits of Papaya as Part of a Diverse Diet
Commonly seen as an exotic fruit rather than a weekly shop staple, perhaps we're missing a trick with papaya for effective natural digestive support. -
Caricol® - The Facts
The Nutri Advanced 'What is Caricol' information guide discusses the benefits for patients with wind and bloating, and those in need of digestive support. -
Christian Bates on Colic and the Importance of Gut Bacteria
Colic can be a distressing time for both baby and parents. Osteopath and Naturopath Christian Bates shares his knowledge on colic and how health practitioners can help. -
Berberine - A Hero of the Microbiome and Beyond
Many people are familiar with berberine as an antimicrobial/antiparasitic agent but its benefit to the gastrointestinal system and beyond runs much further... -
Exploring The Effects Of Intermittent Fasting And Meal Timings
Should intermittent fasting be considered a fad diet, or is there more to it? In this article we explore the link between meal timings and gut health.