Explore articles and news relating to specific conditions.
Gut Barrier Benefits of Vitamin D
A 2015 published study has found that vitamin D supplementation helped maintain gut barrier integrity in patients with Crohn's Disease... -
This Diet Has Direct Benefits for Heart Health
A study has found that the therapeutic diet, rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy oils may have benefits to offer for heart disease. -
Study Shows Vitamin K is Needed for Heart Health
In a placebo controlled trial it was found that long-term vitamin K2 supplementation inhibit the stiffening of arteries & improved vascular elasticity. -
A Summary of Key Nutrients for Eye Health
Many are now aware of the impact that a great diet can have on general health & wellbeing, but few are aware of the impact diet has on eye health. -
Key Nutrients to Support a Healthy Heart
There are so many modifiable dietary and lifestyle factors that you can take charge of to positively influence the long term health of your heart. -
Trouble Sleeping? Pass the L-Theanine
Traditionally those looking for a sleep aid have reached for the sedative herbs but did you know that there is an amino acid that you could try?... L-theanine! -
Garlic Effective for Lowering Blood Pressure
A new meta-analysis has found supplementation with garlic to be a safe and effective approach for the management of high blood pressure.
Can Specific Prenatal Exposure at Critical Time Points Alter Foetal Development with Life-Long Consequences?
We look into a review by Lumley & colleagues... -
Zebrafish shows Vitamin E is Important for the Brain
Scientists have studied zebrafish to better understand how the brain works. In their research they were looking at the effects of vitamin E deficiency... -
Is Cheese Good For Your Health?
New research has come to light that could indicate that as well as red wine one of the secrets of the French Diet is the consumption of cheese. -
Similase - The Facts
The Nutri Advanced information guide to 'What is Similase', and how it can offer natural effective support for digestive discomfort.