
Explore articles and news relating to specific conditions.
  1. Can Nutrition Help Seasonal Affective Disorder S.A.D?

    Can Nutrition Help Seasonal Affective Disorder S.A.D?

    Although you might feel a bit glum when autumn begins, those with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have a feeling of dread. Nutrition might be able to help though...

  2. Ingredient Focus: Protect Your Brain with Citicoline

    Ingredient Focus: Protect Your Brain with Citicoline

    Phosphatidylcholine is a well-known phospholipid, but what about its precursor citicoline? Explore the research on this lesser-known nootropic.
  3. Should Probiotics Be Taken at the Same Time as Antibiotics?

    Should Probiotics Be Taken at the Same Time as Antibiotics?

    Unclear about probiotic supplementation & antibiotic use? Read our study review to find out if you should take probiotics & antibiotics at the same time.
  4. Lipopolysaccharides: How Toxic Is Your Gut?

    Lipopolysaccharides: How Toxic Is Your Gut?

    Learn about how important it can be to consider endogenous toxins where a client is displaying inflammatory symptoms and to work on the gut to improve outcomes.
  5. The Gut Microbiome May Have an Impact on Modulating the Expression of Genetic Diseases

    The Gut Microbiome May Have an Impact on Modulating the Expression of Genetic Diseases

    Dr Bland’s recent lecture touched on how the gut microbiome may have an impact on modulating the expression of genetic diseases such as sickle cell anaemia.
  6. British Medical Journal Publishes New Clinical Practice Guidelines for Subclinical Hypothyroidism

    British Medical Journal Publishes New Clinical Practice Guidelines for Subclinical Hypothyroidism

    Learn more about the BMJ’s conclusion of adults with SCH not benefitting from thyroid hormone treatment and how natural support can help.
  7. Hypothyroidism Explained & the Best Ways to Support an Underactive Thyroid Gland

    Hypothyroidism Explained & the Best Ways to Support an Underactive Thyroid Gland

    Learn more about how to support an underactive thyroid including key factors that inhibit and support thyroid hormone conversion.
  8. A Guide To Genova’s GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile

    A Guide To Genova’s GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile

    Genova’s GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile is a broad assessment of the GI tract that offers valuable insight into digestive function and much more.
  9. The When, What & Why of Stool Testing

    The When, What & Why of Stool Testing

    Charlotte Hunter, Registered Nutritional Therapist at Regenerus Labaratories, discusses the when, what and why of stool testing in this in-depth article.
  10. Oral Contraceptives & Folate: A Research Review

    Oral Contraceptives & Folate: A Research Review

    We take a closer look at the impact of oral contraceptives on folate status and the possible wider health implications of this.
  11. Thyroid Health Q&A with Genova Diagnostics

    Thyroid Health Q&A with Genova Diagnostics

    We chatted all things thyroid with Kate Osborne from Genova Diagnostics - one of the UK’s leading functional test providers. Read her clinical insights now.
  12. The Future of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

    The Future of Personalized Lifestyle Medicine

    Dr. Jeffrey Bland takes an in-depth look at the personalization of nutritional care & transitioning into a global system of personalized lifestyle medicine.
  13. Metabolic Syndrome - The Facts

    Metabolic Syndrome - The Facts

    The Nutri Advanced 'What is Metabolic Syndrome' information guide discusses how to deal with metabolic disorders and how key nutrients may offer support.
  14. How to Effectively Support Optimal Glutathione Levels

    How to Effectively Support Optimal Glutathione Levels

    We look at the science of glutathione, and discuss the benefits of Setria reduced glutathione over liposomal glutathione shown in research studies.
  15. Love Your Gut

    Love Your Gut

    Author of ‘The G-Plan Diet’, Amanda Hamilton, explores how variety in the diet, exercise, and stress management can help support gut health.
  16. Benefits of Myo-Inositol Formula: MegaMag Fem Balance

    Benefits of Myo-Inositol Formula: MegaMag Fem Balance

    Read nutritionists’ reviews of myo-inositol formula MegaMag Fem Balance to see how it’s helped them with PMS symptoms, calmness & blood sugar balance.
  17. Top 8 Nutrients to Fight Inflammation (without side effects!)

    Top 8 Nutrients to Fight Inflammation (without side effects!)

    Learn more about the top 8 evidence-backed anti-inflammatory nutrients & phytochemicals that can help to bring inflammation back into balance.
  18. Green Tea Studies Show Benefits for Gut Health & More

    Green Tea Studies Show Benefits for Gut Health & More

    Green tea is widely researched and has been found to have antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activity. Read more on the studies in our research review.
  19. The Vital Role of L-Glutamine in Leaky Gut Syndrome Intervention

    The Vital Role of L-Glutamine in Leaky Gut Syndrome Intervention

    L-glutamine has a vital role to play in the health of the gut lining. Read more about how l-glutamine can be useful in the intervention of leaky gut syndrome.
  20. Probiotics May Help Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhoea & C. Diff

    Probiotics May Help Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhoea & C. Diff

    A research review showing the benefits of probiotics in preventing Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhoea & Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) infection.
  21. 10 Common Signs Your Gut Needs Help

    10 Common Signs Your Gut Needs Help

    Gut bacteria might not be the first thing you think of when you're craving a 3pm chocolate bar or feeling a bit low, yet it probably should be!
  22. Study Shows Detrimental Effects of Diet Coke on Gut Bacteria

    Study Shows Detrimental Effects of Diet Coke on Gut Bacteria

    Many opt for 'diet' drinks to be healthier, lose weight or prevent weight gain. But these drinks are very likely to be harmful to health.
  23. 5 Incredible Health Benefits of Friendly Bacteria

    5 Incredible Health Benefits of Friendly Bacteria

    Read on to learn about 5 surprising ways that friendly bacteria can improve your health including preventing UTIs, improving lactose digestion and more.
  24. 6 Simple Steps To Nurture Your Gut

    6 Simple Steps To Nurture Your Gut

    If your gut is in less than tip-top condition, ensure that you've checked you're doing these 6 simple steps to nurture gut health & keep it happy.