
Ingredient-specific news & articles from Nutri Advanced.
  1. The Importance of Iodine

    The Importance of Iodine

    Iodine has been known for more than 100 years as the element that is necessary for thyroid hormone production. But how do you know if you are getting enough?

  2. Do you need a B Vitamin Boost?

    Do you need a B Vitamin Boost?

    B vitamins are fundamental for optimum health & energy production; however, many of these essential vitality nutrients are depleted nowadays.
  3. Study Shows Vitamin K is Needed for Heart Health

    Study Shows Vitamin K is Needed for Heart Health

    In a placebo controlled trial it was found that long-term vitamin K2 supplementation inhibit the stiffening of arteries & improved vascular elasticity.
  4. Trouble Sleeping? Pass the L-Theanine

    Trouble Sleeping? Pass the L-Theanine

    Traditionally those looking for a sleep aid have reached for the sedative herbs but did you know that there is an amino acid that you could try?... L-theanine!
  5. Garlic Effective for Lowering Blood Pressure

    Garlic Effective for Lowering Blood Pressure

    A new meta-analysis has found supplementation with garlic to be a safe and effective approach for the management of high blood pressure.

  6. A Closer Look at Theanine

    A Closer Look at Theanine

    At this time of year, when exam stress is at an all time high, it's important to have effective strategies to support a healthy stress response.
  7. 7 Top Vitamin E Facts & Health Benefits

    7 Top Vitamin E Facts & Health Benefits

    Vitamin E is found in rich natural supply in sunflower seeds, almonds, asparagus and peanuts, but what else do we know about this super vitamin?
  8. Zebrafish shows Vitamin E is Important for the Brain

    Zebrafish shows Vitamin E is Important for the Brain

    Scientists have studied zebrafish to better understand how the brain works. In their research they were looking at the effects of vitamin E deficiency...
  9. Chicken with Forty Garlic Cloves!

    Chicken with Forty Garlic Cloves!

    This casserole contains a huge amount of garlic, which, according to the seventeenth century herbalist, Thomas Culpeper is ‘a remedy for all diseases and hurts’.

Items 169 to 177 of 177 total