Nutri Advanced Consumers

  1. Christian Bates on Colic and the Importance of Gut Bacteria

    Christian Bates on Colic and the Importance of Gut Bacteria

    Colic can be a distressing time for both baby and parents. Osteopath and Naturopath Christian Bates shares his knowledge on colic and how health practitioners can help.
  2. Vitamin D and COVID-19: A Round-Up of the Latest Research

    Vitamin D and COVID-19: A Round-Up of the Latest Research

    As research on COVID-19 grows, here’s a quick summary of the latest vitamin D research to keep you fully up to speed with recent developments.
  3. Why Detox Isn't The Devil

    Why Detox Isn't The Devil

    We are exposed to a huge amount of toxins on a daily basis, and whilst detoxes aren't magic bullets, they can certainly help your body to cope better with the daily onslaught.

  4. 5 Good Reasons to Take a Daily Multivitamin

    5 Good Reasons to Take a Daily Multivitamin

    Most people are aware that taking a high quality daily multivitamin and mineral supplement can help to bridge the gap from any shortfalls in the diet. Here's 5 facts taken from research and studies...
  5. Plant Power...Can a Meat-Free Diet Improve Sports Performance

    Plant Power...Can a Meat-Free Diet Improve Sports Performance

    There are many benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets, including lower mortality rates and decreased obesity risks, but can they improve sports performance?

  6. 10 Natural Solutions for Depression That Work

    10 Natural Solutions for Depression That Work

    Read 10 key dietary & lifestyle changes that can have a significant positive impact on those with depression and those at risk of developing the illness too.
  7. What It Really Means to Say Goodbye to 2020

    What It Really Means to Say Goodbye to 2020

    It's no surprise some of us are looking forward to saying goodbye to 2020. But is it realistic to expect all of our problems to disappear on New Year's Eve?
  8. The Importance Of Vitamin A For Immune Health

    The Importance Of Vitamin A For Immune Health

    Vitamin A is a vital nutrient for immune health. Take a closer look at why this is, the different forms of vitamin A, and how to optimise your intake.
  9. Targeted Ingredients For Female Health

    Targeted Ingredients For Female Health

    Here we take a closer look at targeted ingredients, including B vitamins and iron, and the benefits they can provide to support female health.
  10. The Benefits of Lemon Balm for Sleep and Calm

    The Benefits of Lemon Balm for Sleep and Calm

    Read on to find out more about the relaxing effects of lemon balm, a culinary herb which supports restful sleep, relaxation and daily calm.
  11. How Does Zinc Support Immune Health?

    How Does Zinc Support Immune Health?

    Take a closer look at how zinc supports immune health and why you need to make sure you are regularly getting enough of this important mineral in your diet.
  12. Body Ready Forms of B Vitamins & Folate

    Body Ready Forms of B Vitamins & Folate

    B vitamins come in a variety of different forms, some easily absorbed, some not. If you want to optimise your intake of B vitamins you need to look for 'body ready' forms.
  13. Groups At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency

    Groups At Risk Of Vitamin D Deficiency

    Take a closer look to see why vitamin D deficiency is more likely to affect some groups more than others, and how to test to optimal levels.
  14. Understanding The Bigger Picture Of Bone Health

    Understanding The Bigger Picture Of Bone Health

    Take a closer look at how you can use lifestyle and nutrient strategies support your bone health naturally, as well as knowledge from Lara Pizzorno.
  15. The Ways That Vitamin C Enables a Robust and Resilient Immune Response

    The Ways That Vitamin C Enables a Robust and Resilient Immune Response

    In this article we take a closer look at just how vitamin C supports immune health and why regular dietary intake is so important.
  16. Gentle Suggestions to Help You Cope With Stress

    Gentle Suggestions to Help You Cope With Stress

    When global stress is at an all time high, this thoughtful article takes a closer look at what you can do to help encourage daily calm and gratitude.
  17. How Vitamin D Actually Supports Immune Health

    How Vitamin D Actually Supports Immune Health

    To support immune health, vitamin D is involved in both innate and adaptive immune function. But what does this mean? We explain and outline the research...
  18. Can You Really Eat 40+ Different Types Of Fruits, Vegetables And Herbs In A Week?

    Can You Really Eat 40+ Different Types Of Fruits, Vegetables And Herbs In A Week?

    Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and herbs is crucial for many different aspects of health, but is it possible to eat over 40 varieties in a week?
  19. Studies Show Benefits of Beta Glucans in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

    Studies Show Benefits of Beta Glucans in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

    Research into beta glucans has shown that these yeast cells may be beneficial in preventing the severity and duration of upper respiratory tract infections...
  20. How To Protect Against Colds & Coughs

    How To Protect Against Colds & Coughs

    Learn more about the 5 best nutrients to protect against coughs and colds, including research on widely available nutrients vitamin D, Beta Glucans, and Zinc.
  21. 16 Important Nutrients To Support Immune Health Naturally

    16 Important Nutrients To Support Immune Health Naturally

    Find out how these nutrients and ingredients can support your immune health during the autumn and winter months, including some that might surprise you!
  22. COVID-19: Beyond The Acute Infection Summary

    COVID-19: Beyond The Acute Infection Summary

    An in depth summary of Jo Gamble’s COVID-19: Beyond The Acute Infection webinar in which Jo explores the research around recovery of the infection.
  23. 2020 Study Shows Significant PCOS Benefits from Flaxseeds

    2020 Study Shows Significant PCOS Benefits from Flaxseeds

    The results of a 2020 clinical trial have shown that ground flaxseeds may offer significant improvements in metabolic parameters of patients with PCOS…
  24. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Diet, Lifestyle & Supplement Support

    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Diet, Lifestyle & Supplement Support

    Read on to learn how women who suffer from PCOS can significantly improve their symptoms through targeted diet, lifestyle and supplement strategies.