Weight Management
Weight Loss & Blood Sugar Summary - Finding The Right Balance
A detailed summary looking at the complex issues of obesity and some of the main factors needed to make a successful weight loss programme -
UltraMeal Features, Top Uses & Recipes
Learn more about our popular UltraMeal powder range, formulated by Dr. Jeffrey Bland, including its top uses, nutrients & features, and recipe inspiration. -
Obesity Protocol
This nutritional protocol for Obesity includes symptom management, addressing underlying causes and continuing wellness and prevention. -
Why Is Weight Gain Common During The Menopause?
Take a closer look at why weight gain is such a common symptom of the menopause, and the most effective steps to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. -
Sports Nutrition Protocol
Read our nutritional protocol for active clients including recommendations for strength training, cardiovascular fitness, endurance sports and weight loss. -
Metabolic Syndrome - The Facts
The Nutri Advanced 'What is Metabolic Syndrome' information guide discusses how to deal with metabolic disorders and how key nutrients may offer support. -
Keep These 2 Hunger Hormones Balanced to Prevent Overeating
Leptin & Ghrelin are 2 crucial hormones that influence hunger. Learn how to keep them balanced and reduce your resistance to prevent overeating.
How Nutritious is the Typical Western Diet?
We evaluate the nutrition in a typical western diet, from cereal for breakfast to meal deals and ready meals. High salt, caffeine & sweeteners are on the menu.
Worried About Christmas Weight Gain?
The huge surge in social events at Christmas means that food and drink consumption increases dramatically, but follow these simple steps and you can keep the weight gain away.
Food Supplement May Help Reduce Cravings
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has suggested that eating a food supplement reduces cravings for high-calorie foods. -
Metabolic Foods - The Facts
The Nutri Advanced 'Metabolic Health' information guide discusses the benefits of metabolism boosting foods and how they help to support healthy function. -
Don't Diet If You Want To Lose Weight
We explain more about metabolism & how to improve your metabolic rate. The higher your metabolic rate, the easier you will find it to maintain a healthy weight. -
Why Support is Essential for Weight Loss
'Support' can include clinic-based support, social support from friends and family, or even online group support. Find out why it's important for weight loss. -
Vitamin-E Rich Avocado and Chocolate Mousse
This is a fantastic recipe for a nutritious and delicious treat! Packed full of vitamin E, essential fats and antioxidants it's ideal for a quick vitamin E boost. -
Top Tips for Short Term Weight Loss Goals
If the thought of summer clothing and swimwear fills you with dread then don’t panic - there’s still time to make a difference & benefit your overall health. -
Green Eggs for Breakfast...
This brilliant breakfast recipe is a super-healthy take on green eggs, especially for targeting blood sugar balance, weight loss & improved body composition too. -
Metabolic Syndrome Protocol
Read our nutritional protocol for Metabolic Syndrome providing support for symptom management, addressing underlying causes and on-going treatment. -
Guide for Use - UltraMeal™
This guide contains information about UltraMeal, it's uses and how this nutritional food supplement is designed to support healthy body composition and blood sugar balance.