Saccharomyces Boulardii
The 5 Probiotic Strains You Need To Know
The only way to ensure the probiotic you buy is going to deliver significant health benefits is to check the product contains one of these extensively researched strains. -
Nutri Advanced's Live Bacteria Range
Brief and clear to understand with practitioner focussed product detail. This document explains the benefits and applications of our live bacteria products. -
Benefits of Saccharomyces Boulardii for Diarrhoea, IBD, Leaky Gut & More
This research review looks into the studies behind S. Boulardii and the many benefits it’s been shown to have on a wide range of digestive health conditions. -
If You've Ever Taken Antibiotics You Need To Read This
Antibiotics can be a real lifesaver, but they can also bring unwanted side effects. Read on to find out how to support your body after taking antibiotics. -
Research Shows Saccharomyces Boulardii Can Prevent & Reduce Diarrhoea
The best-researched benefit of Saccharomyces boulardii is that it's a natural agent to prevent or reduce many types of diarrhoea. -
16 Important Nutrients To Support Immune Health Naturally
Find out how these nutrients and ingredients can support your immune health during the autumn and winter months, including some that might surprise you! -
Should Probiotics Be Taken at the Same Time as Antibiotics?
Unclear about probiotic supplementation & antibiotic use? Read our study review to find out if you should take probiotics & antibiotics at the same time. -
Probiotics May Help Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhoea & C. Diff
A research review showing the benefits of probiotics in preventing Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhoea & Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) infection. -
Probiotics Summary - Keep Your Gut Happy
A detailed summary of probiotics research that outlines the benefits of supplementation with a variety of live bacteria strains. -
Candida - The Facts
The Nutri Advanced 'Candida - The Facts' information guide discusses Candida diet and symptoms, and how it may be supported through probiotics and enzymes. -
Choosing The Right Live Bacteria
When choosing a probiotic there are important factors to take into account. Read more about these factors and why Nutri Advanced probiotics are superior.