
  1. Magnesium: Why Aren't We Getting Enough?

    Magnesium: Why Aren't We Getting Enough?

    In an ideal world, all of our nutrients would come from a well-balanced diet. However, the food that we eat has changed dramatically over the course of the last 50 -80 years.

  2. 10 Things you Didn't Know about Magnesium...

    10 Things you Didn't Know about Magnesium...

    Do you know how many biochemical reactions in the human body that magnesium is involved in? Or how many teaspoons of magnesium the human body contains?
  3. Calcium & Magnesium May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk

    Calcium & Magnesium May Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk

    A study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition has found that calcium & magnesium may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.

Items 25 to 27 of 27 total
